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Connected tools, are veterinarians welcoming?

Connected objects are more and more established on the market. Help tools for professionals and individuals, they offer the possibility of having more precise and objective data in just a few clicks.

Nevertheless, the veterinarian remains the essential interlocutor of the owner of the animal, in particular in the choice of the connected object, in the analysis and explanation of the data collected and finally in the recommendations resulting from the interpretation of these data.

Connected tools for veterinarians, how are they selected?

Ekico : Kélig, as product manager at Centravet, how and on what criteria do you select the connected objects that you include in your catalog? Do you offer more and more connected tools to your veterinarians? If so, how are these new systems received?

Kelig Mahé : As product manager, reliability is the first criterion I look for in connected objects intended for rural, equine and canine species. Connected devices must be solid, reliable and above all adapted to the needs of our veterinary clients in their daily practices. Then, these objects must offer an excellent quality / price ratio and therefore remain accessible to the majority of our customers since we want this aid to be disseminated as widely as possible.

Ekico : How and on what criteria do you select the connected objects that you include in your catalog? Do you offer more and more connected tools to your veterinarians? If so, how are these new systems received?

Kelig MahéThe reception of these new diagnostic aid tools is still timid with our veterinary customers because their reliability is often questioned. In addition, many of our clients still ignore the added value of these new therapeutic tools. Fortunately, more and more conferences are being organized on this theme – the same is also true for tele-medicine – and I think that our veterinary customers will be more and more numerous in the future to be interested in these new tools and connected working methods.

Sources : connect-object.com, phonandroid.com

New tools: between trust and mistrust

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Ekico : You mentioned that vets seem to have little confidence in the reliability of products. How would you explain it and what would be the solutions to remedy it?

Kelig Mahé : I think that the majority of the algorithms used by these new connected objects come from human medicine and are not always perfectly adapted to veterinary medicine because of its data on corpulence, activity, etc. The issue of reliability is in fact at the heart of the concerns of manufacturers, associations and distributors. Each of them has a role in prescribing and teaching about the benefits of veterinary medicine 2.0.

Interview and article written by Lorène Faucompré

Blog: Air Showjumper

Locomotion monitoring and analysis

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