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The negative palmar angle

We sometimes hear about a negative palmar angle. Is it a serious hoof problem? how can it be treated? Jason Thouvenot, farrier based in France, agreed to answer Ekico’s questions on this subject. What is a negative palmar angle? We

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Flat hooves & hoof cracks management

Specialized in the follow-up of the sport horse – in particular dressage -, Pierre Martinuzzi has agreed to tell us how he takes care of horses suffering from common foot problems, benign or not, and sometimes requiring the assistance of

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The ethological approach of the competitive horse

A reactive horse is currently the sport horse par excellence. But do not confuse reactivity and hypersensitivity, harmful for the animal! Let’s take stock with Caroline Godin, training and owner’s stable manager at Haras de la Cense (France) : how

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