Clinical case : Rehabilitation
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Curo and Tendiboots™ systems in horse asymmetries
Horse muscle activity & performance Ekico : Hello Adrian, Thank you for sharing your expertise with us, and in particular your practice of monitoring horse muscle activity. You are an Associate Professor in physiology with a special interest in biomechanics

Visiting the Equine Clinic on Kottenforst in Germany
At Ekico, all our trips are an opportunity to meet our veterinarians equipped with technologies Tendiboots™. During our trip to the Equitana 2022 veterinary congress, the Am Kottenforst equine clinic opened its doors to us. Small detour via Wachtberg in

Tendon rupture of a show jumping horse with Dr. Dorian Bindler
In this article, Swiss-based equine veterinarian Dr. Dorian Bindler shares with us the case of a horse with an acute rupture of the superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT) when landing a jump during a competition. Find out how the Tendiboots™