Tendiboots™ canine

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Dog gait analysis: Static and dynamic data

The analysis of canine locomotion is essential for veterinarians to diagnose, treat, and ensure proper rehabilitation of canine locomotor disorders.What are the different aspects of canine locomotion analysis? What are the complementarities between static and dynamic data? Postural analysis of

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The physical preparation of the sled sport dog

Mushing, canicross, bike/skijoring, weight pulling… Traction sports for dogs require demanding physical conditioning. To perform well and protect the dogs from common pathologies in this type of activity, training is rigorous and physical monitoring is a priority.Sybille Leblanc, a physical

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Greyhound athlete

Racing greyhounds have a unique physique. Sleek and muscular, they also possess a gentle and affectionate temperament. These true athletes are known for their incredible speed and remarkable agility. However, their racing careers can expose them to various health issues.

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Vet On Set: Dedicated to Animal Welfare

Photo shoots, short films or feature films, and TV commercials often require animals on set. But what measures are taken to ensure the physical and mental well-being of these unique actors? Dr. Alison Foucault, a veterinarian specialising in animal welfare

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Veterinary AI and Lameness Detection in Dogs

How can artificial intelligence contribute to orthopedic consultations for professionals in canine practice? The AI integrated into Tendiboots™ canine technology is specifically trained for identifying and localizing lameness in dogs. This training is based on hundreds of gait analyses and

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Detection of locomotion asymmetries in dogs

Diagnosing locomotion pathologies early, alleviating pain, preventing injuries… There are numerous reasons for detecting lameness and asymmetries in dogs in veterinary medicine. In this article, discover a new approach based on canine Tendiboots™ technology to facilitate the evaluation and monitoring

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The management of agility dogs in physiotherapy

How to maintain the physical condition of agility dogs during the off-season is one of the missions entrusted to Dr. Ludivine Jacquemin-Bietrix at the AniCura TRIOVet veterinary clinic in France. The physical performance of dogs is just as crucial during

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Animal osteopathy for sporting dogs

Sporting dogs, whether they participate in demanding sled dog races such as the Femundløpet or La Grande Odyssée, or whether they are engaged in other canine sporting disciplines, require special attention in terms of health, safety and well-being. In this

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Management of Carpal Hyperextension in Dogs

Meeting with Antoine Maitre, orthoprosthetist and founder of Orthopia-Prothèses, for the management of a young dog with bilateral carpal hyperextension. Support using orthopedic devices in this case. In collaboration with the attending veterinarian and the owners of the animal. Carpal

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